Zillow Buckeye AZ
The median house value in Buckeye is $189, 700. Buckeye house values went up 7.5per cent over the past year and Zillow predicts they are going to increase 3.0per cent next 12 months. The median number price per square foot in Buckeye is $112, that is less than the Phoenix Metro average of $144. The median cost of domiciles at this time listed in Buckeye is $219, 000. The median rent price in Buckeye is $1, 150, which can be lower than the Phoenix Metro median of $1, 300.
Foreclosures is a factor impacting house values next many years. In Buckeye 2.3 homes tend to be foreclosed (per 10, 000). That is greater than the Phoenix Metro worth of 1.1 also higher than the national worth of 1.4
Mortgage delinquency is the initial step within the foreclosure process. This is when a homeowner does not make a mortgage payment. The % of delinquent mortgages in Buckeye is 0.0per cent, which will be more than the nationwide value of 0.0%. With U.S. home values having dropped by over 20per cent nationwide from their particular top in 2007 until their trough in late 2011, numerous home owners are now underwater on the mortgages, meaning they owe significantly more than their home is really worth. The % of Buckeye homeowners underwater to their home loan is 0.1%, which is greater than Phoenix Metro at 0.1percent.
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